Monday, May 4, 2015

Are You Prepared to Plant a Sycamore?

  "The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with smooth stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will replace them with cedars." (Isa. 9:10). 

This morning this very familiar headline came across my computer, "Arab League takes hostile move towards Israel.”   It was the announcement that the Palestinian Authority was going to demand that the UN set a time-line for ending ‘Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem’.  This is not the first such demand but, on each previous occasion, it was vetoed by France and the United States. NOW, there is a growing concern that such will not be the case this time around. 

A meeting of the Arab League in Cairo produced, among other things, a decision to support an upcoming Palestinian Authority resolution at the UN Security Council. The Palestinian Authority will demand that the UN set a time-line for ending Israeli 'occupation’(notice the word – occupation. History proves there has been continued Jewish presence since Joshua) of the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem. 

The move echoes a similar effort announced recently by Security Council member France. The Obama Administration has signaled that it might not veto such a resolution at the UN Security Council, as it has in the past.  Why? Because of comments Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made late in the Israeli election campaign to the effect that under current circumstances, a Palestinian state won't be created in the West Bank during his time in office. 

I am a firm believer that God fired a warning shot across our bough on 9/11. A warning shot that we then vowed we could fix in our own strength by following the same mistakes the Israelis made many years ago.   

Isaiah 9:10 records that mistake as follows:   "The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with smooth stones; The sycamores have been cut down, but we will replace them with cedars." (Isa. 9:10).  When our nation was hit on 9/11, our leaders stood boldly and declared, "Hey, man, don't sweat it, we have learned our lesson and we will be better prepared in the future by building our defenses stronger.”   Although the churches were filled that Sunday after 9/11, it was a short revival that had no roots and the status quo soon returned and the masses went back to their apathy.

I am also a firm believer that we have two gigantic cannons aimed at us; it really does not matter which catastrophe that you choose. But understand that we are facing a double whammy and, unless our nation repents and turns from its wicked ways and follows God's mandate for change in 2 Chronicles 7:14, the sky is indeed going to fall.

Now let me ask you a question.   If the sky does indeed fall will the churches be full the Sunday after God's wrath hits and fan?  They were filled in the New York area after 9/11, but within a month or so they were back to the norm.   In a follow up study, it was learned that those who returned to their old ways did so because they did not find anything in the church that gave them peace of mind. 

They were seeking refuge and someone to put their arms around them and assure them God was in control, but what they found was apathy and people that had the same fears they had.  It was also discovered that the church was not ready to receive a sudden influx of people who needed something to fill that vacuum in their chest cavities that was just the size of God.  Leaders were not prepared to lead people to Jesus and mentor them.

Is there a solution to the rapid decline in our once very proud and great nation?  Not really, as long as we allow the voice of the world to drowned out the voice of God.   Does that mean we should throw in the towel and join the "eat, drink, and be merry" crowd?  Not in your sweet bippy!  God has a laid out a plan of restoration and rehabilitation but we have to learnt to “Walk Ye In It!". 

So with that in mind let's do some digging and see if we can come up with a resolution to this every growing problem – next time….



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