Thursday, December 31, 2015

When All of These Things Happen, Look Up - Part 4

“I will vindicate the holiness of My great name which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst.  Then the nations will know that I am the Lord,” declares the Lord God, “, when I prove Myself holy among you in their sight” (Ezek 36:23-24).

Hey Gang:  As we get out our shovels and dig into what I referred to as the bold print prophecies in previous blogs, keep in mind one could write volumes on each subject and, in an ever changing world,  what applies today will not fit into tomorrow’s realities.  I would suggest to you as the word says “no thanks” to God and “goes its own way” (Isa. 53:5), we will see ever increasing chaos and the growth of evilness in the world.   Jesus, in the Olivet discourse, gave what to me, is the most complete prophecy in the Bible, but some would argue that Daniel 9:24-27 fills that distinction.  Your choice.

But let me make one small point before you become to set in your decision.  Jesus’ words in the Olivet discourse gives a warning that we need to heed today.  Again, it is based on one of the second or more subtle column of fulfilled prophecies that rapidly developed with the advent of nuclear weaponry.  Jesus said, “Unless the days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but of the sake of the elect those days will be cut short” (Mat. 24:22).  Have we always had the power to annihilate ourselves?  Yes, I would suggest we did but I believe it would have taken so long, people would have gotten tired of killing and gone home.  I wonder if ISIS or the other terrorist of our day and age will get tired of killing. 

Today we have several factors that make Jesus’ warning especially important –  not only do we have the weaponry to annihilate every person on earth many times over, but we also have deranged people who are sitting at the control panels of these lethal weapons.  It is my firm belief that the final battles of the remaining days will be triggered by one of these para maniacs who want to see the world blow up.  

 I pray daily that the emperor of North Korea has some toys to play with to keep him busy so that he does not decide to shoot one of his nuclear play toys into some city of his disliking.  The ayatollah of Iran has made no bones about Iran’s intention to annihilate Israel, as soon as they complete their weapon of mass destruction.   Matthew 24:22 is the warning, but Daniel 9:24-27 is the culmination of man’s sadistic and evil ways.   The evil one, the master of evilness will get his just reward. 

Jesus, when asked by His disciples “When shall these things be?” responded, “Be not deceived”.  I once heard a pastor preach on the subject “When does a country or civilization reach the point of no return?”  As I look at what is happening in our country today, I wonder if we have passed the point of no return. Jesus made it very clear that when we decide we can do it better and go our own way, “At that time many will fall away and will betray one and another and hate one another” (Matt. 24:10).

Paul in his letter to the Thessalonian said, “Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first” (2 Thess. 2:3).  We could spend days talking about this subject.  I do not believe any Bible believing Christian could doubt that this is the age when apostasy has become a nail in the coffin of many believers (Matt24:24 even the very elect will be deceived). Mankind is being rapidly preparing mankind for the final chapter of civilization as we know it.  Many refer to this time as the Age of Enlightenment; I believe the day of the “Prim Rose Path’ is more fitting.

Many churches today have far more empty pews than filled ones and growing numbers have closed their door.  They are no longer looked at as havens of refuge but are more socially oriented than Christ- centered.   Many pastors no longer believe in the virgin birth, the resurrection, the ascension or the coming again of our Lord.   Many charismatic leaders have accepted the invitation of the Pope to become united with the Catholic Church. We ae truly in that age referred to by Jesus “…as the blind leading the blind”.

When the Supreme Court of our land said God really did not know what as best in the area of marriage, it seemed that the church agreed with them.  The homosexual has not only been accepted by many churches but ordained as pastors and are catered to and even glorified.   Since this ruling by the court, the straight folks of our country seem to have lost their rights.  The news programs are filled with believers who have found themselves before godless judges for standing up for the very rights that our founding fathers assured would never be tampered with in this free country.

The following, very depressing item came across my computer several days before Halloween, “Those who seek information about witches on the internet are immediately presented with a million websites.  The cult of witchcraft is thriving.  The esoteric section of bookstores is many times the size of those on the Christian faith. 

All of this in preparation of the surfacing of the Antichrist, which many believe is alive on earth today.

Swell folks, we did get through the first of those bold prophecies.  There is no question- apostasy has eaten at the very roots of our Christians traditions and has made great inroads in attacking the truths of the Bible.  There is so much more that should be said, but I will leave that to you to do some digging.



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