Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Adjective or Objective, Your Choice

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit and both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrew 4:12).

Hey Gang:  This morning I want to set the table for what I believe is to come in the very near future.  This is based on the rapid growth of things prophesied that will happen in the latter days and seems to be happening in this our day.  Before beginning I want to share two stories, that I pray will drive home the point that we are all ambassadors of Jesus Christ and must be ready to meet Him at any moment, and also be a warrior for Him, with our full armor in place and lamps filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit.

The first occurred in the second year of the Village summer camp.  We had a very tough group of young men enrolled in the program.  Not only were there sixty teen-agers, that were not all that happy to be sent into the trees someplace up north, but to also ran into some dude, who seemed to know what they were thinking.  They soon learned that perhaps he had some ideas that would make their lives better, if they listened and applied them.

Each evening in camp, while one crew cleaned up the dining hall after the evening meal, the remainder of the campers and staff retired to a place where a discussion of the day’s activities and what was to come next, were discussed. But this particular night, one of the campers brought up the subject of witchcraft, which led to a deep discussion as to whether it was truth or fiction.  When I arrived on the scene, the boys  had done a pretty good job of pushing the staff into a corner. The young staff were not very well versed on such subjects.

After settling them down and getting their attention, I asked them a question that was about to change the total attitude and atmosphere of the camp for the next ten weeks.  I asked, “How would you like to talk about something that it really wayout and could change your life, the second coming of Christ?  To my surprise they said, “Ya, man, let’s dig it!”

Keep in mind one of the greatest challenges in working with youth today is keeping their attention and focused on the subject being discussed.  Sitting under a tree in the forest there are no audio-visuals, to show in panoramic living color, what you are saying.  It was that night, that for four hours, seventy kids, most of whom had never been to a church, were mesmerized by what God was saying through me.  

Let me make a point here that emphasizes the importance of getting into God’s word and preparing ourselves for the challenge given to us by Jesus: “Go into all the world and share, preach the Gospel”. As most of you know, for two years my bride referred to me as “the unemployed director of a non- existent boy’s home”.    Wasted time, right?  That may have been my belief.  But, on that night at Camp with seventy boys, God showed me in living color, that two-year period when I was in the Word and tutored by an elderly lady by the name of Jessie, was the most important time in my life.

For ten weeks the main topic of discussion centered of the Second Coming of Christ, which also led to the development of the Seed Planting Principles from Scripture.  I do not know how many seeds were plant that summer or how many young folks I will see in heaven because of that miracle, but I know of at least one staff who gave his life to Christ that summer.

Here is a second story that I would like to share, especially with those of you who are on the firing line, working with children, families or just as witnesses for your Lord:  We were doing a family workshop with court-referred families who really wanted no part of what we were trying to teach them. And there were always the “You ain’t gunna get into my head” bunch who sat with their arms crossed and their chins set in defiance.   We made no bones about it and informed the group that we use Biblical principles in our teaching, which usually brought a grunt or two.  

There was always different levels of stubbornness but, in one class, we ran into King Stubborn.  I always referred to the stubborn corner as the agony and pain contingent.  For the first several classes he sat cross- armed and with a scowl on his face.  Then one day he showed up for class with a smile on his face.  Scared the tar out of me.  I ask him what happened and he shared this story. “When I got home from class, my house was a zoo, television on, radios blaring, kids yelling at each other, and my wife was in a dither.  I remembered what you said that day – no boundaries= chaos – You can take that to the bank.  I tried it and it worked.” He told the agony and pain corner, “Now, for the first in many months, I look forward to going home.”

Sooo, two stories with one point – I was prepared to meet the challenge that God sent my way.  Now hear me, God cannot pull out of you what you have not put in.  It has always amazed me that when I was dealing with an out of control youth, God had already given me what I needed for just that day.  These are very tough times and is going to get tougher.  There multitudes of people out there that, as the times get tougher, will be seeking a refuge to grab hold of.  Are you equipped to be used by God to be that refuge?  (to be continued).



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