Thursday, June 4, 2015

Now Hear This!!!

Hey Gang:  After a month of the ‘two blog system’ we have decided to CHANGE more time.   Next week Grampsmorningthoughts will go back to Monday, Wednesday and Friday; however, Friday will be a  prophecy- type blog and we will also post that same blog on Friday on the ‘Whatshappeningman’ blog site..  Since we use a dozen or more sources in preparing the prophecy blog, time has become a problem.  We went to the two blog format to honor and protect those folks who do not want to receive the prophecy messages.  For those folks I would suggest that you check it out before deleting or bypassing.  It is important to be aware of how things are moving. These are not scary; they contain truth of Scripture that’s happening today.

We will also be taking somewhat of a sabbatical in the month of July.  I say somewhat, because with the way things are popping in our world and in the areas of Biblical prophecy there will be things that need to be shared, so there may be an occasional extra blog – probably on the weekend.

I would challenge you to keep your antenna's tuned into what is happening the key center of the world "Israel".  It is reported, from many sources, that our President has given the green light for the European Union to make a resolution that Palestine be given statehood and a date be set for Israel to turn over the West Bank, Eastern Jerusalem, and that those areas will be vacated with in - the proposed time length being contemplated - one year and half.  

 In other words, our President is so angry that Prime Minister Netanyahu won the election that he has decided Israel must be punished.  It is the sincere belief, of the writer of this epistle, that you had best button down the hatch',s if he does indeed vote in favor of giving away Covenant Land to Israel' s enemies (Read Joel 3:2).

The following message was attached to a release from a big wig in the Iranian government to Bibi Netanyahu:
 "Today the Arab press quoted an Iranian senior official saying that Iran has divine permission to eliminate Israel!  He said that even if an agreement is not reached on the nuclear issue, Iran has a holy mission that it will not give up -  to destroy the State Of Israel.”  These statements are heard by representative negotiating with Iran and they continue on as usual."  
This is not the first time such a message has been broadcast to Israel and the world.  Iran's previous president made the same vow before the United Nations assembly several years ago, and it has been the centerfold of much of the rhetoric that continues to be spewed forth from the land of the ancient Persians. 

The Supreme Court decisions to be announced in June, the vote in the UN on Palestinian Statehood, and moving into the final quarter of the Shemitah Year all in June- one might expect that God may say enough and let us know how very angry He is with our Nation’s rejection of His Word, and our world. 

The 31st verse of Hebrews has been ringing in my ears for many days: "It is a terrifying thing to fall into the arms of an angry God".  But also remember, none of this is not a surprise to God.  It has been written into His plan since ‘time’ began and it all works out to His glory in the end.    Jesus said, “I do not what you to be unaware of what is coming down.  Be not deceived.”  He also said make sure there is oil in your lamp and you have your full armor in place and finest of all His promise are twofold:  “I will never, never, never forsake you and one day soon all my children will be with me at the marriage Feast of the Lamb.”  (Hainley renditions)



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