Friday, April 1, 2016

Showing God’s Love to the World…

The following letter is from The Jesus Film Project.  Their mission: “Showing God’s Love to the World”. 

“For I proclaim the name of the Lord ascribe greatness to our God” (Deut. 32:3).  God is at work – even among wives of Middle Eastern fighters! Written by Erick Schenkel, Executive Director of The Jesus Film Project.

Dear Friend in Christ:  This is how we can respond to radicals and win people from the Middle East to Christ. 

I was in awe as Salma spoke.  She gave testimony to the incredible power of God.  Salma and Amir, are from the Middle East.  I’ve known this remarkable couple for many years.  They had been helping to give humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees.  After winning their trust, Salma and Amir arranged for a showing of “Magdalena” for the women, in a church, expecting perhaps 25 to come – AT THE MOST.

Salma, “When we arrived at the church I as in complete shock.  There was a sea of black in the sanctuary, women in their traditional dress, covered from head to toe.  They were sitting shoulder to shoulder, packed in tightly.  There wasn’t a seat left.  I estimated about 200 women, fully covered.  They were nearly all wives of radical men.  I feared that when they realized I was about to show them a Christian film, they might kill me.  “Lord, this is in your hands!”

“I went to the front before them. And their eyes!  They were filled with hate.  “Lord, “I prayed, only you can do this.  This your problem to won and solve.”  Amir inserted the DVD into the player and started projecting the film on the screen.  I fully expected some to bolt, to leave the building angrily, perhaps many of them.  But no one moved. Not an inch.

Magdalena” (The Jesus Film especially for women) came to the Crucifixion scene, I couldn’t believe it.  They were transfixed, eyes focused, ears hearing.  Then came the resurrection of Jesus, another offensive concept.  Everyone stayed – not one woman left – they were taking it all in.

When the film ended, I went to the front of the room and prayed silently, ‘Lord, you are in control, I can’t do this.”  He gave me boldness:  “I know you have lost your homes, all your possessions, some of you, your husbands and sons, I know you are hurting.  But God has brought you here.  You have seen the God who loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you.  You have a choice to make this day.”

Then this came out of my mouth, by the Holy Spirit: I lifted my left arm and pointed to my left.  You can either follow the dead founder of your religion or go to hell, or, pointing to my right with my other arm outstretched, “you can receive Jesus, the living God who died for you and was raised to life.  You can receive Him and have eternal life.  Would you pray with me if you want to follow Jesus?”
“I couldn’t believe it.  As I prayed the sinner’s prayer there was weeping among them and many tears.  They were saying ‘Yeshua, ‘Jesus, “Isa is the true way, the true God,”  I then asked those who wanted to follow Jesus to raise their hands, if they had just received Jesus.  Not one, not 20, but all of them raised their hands!  They all decided to follow Jesus?

“They began to take off their head coverings.  Their angry, hopeless eyes were gone.  Released from shame, they were beaming with joy, smiling.  They began to hug one another, and me, saying “thank you, thank you…for the first time in our lives we know we are loved!”

Many spoke up, “We want to show this DVD to our families, our friends in our refugee 
neighborhoods.  Can we have our own DVD’s?”  But there was such demand that we sent one of our team back to the warehouse to get more.  We gave them all we had in store, 2,500 DVD’s of Jesus!  The Lord did this.

But this was not the only miracle Salma experienced.  Earlier she had taken another risk.  Salma had gone to a high hotel in her nation.  A very wealthy woman leader was attending a conference, with her entourage, family and servants.

Salma, “The Gospel is for everyone, from beggar to billionaire.  I felt that this lady also deserved to know what Jesus had done for her.  “Salma placed DVD’s of “Magdalena” in her bag and went to the hotel, approaching the security desk.  “Lord, don’t let them see the DVDs.  It is illegal.  They can have me arrested.”

I was amazed.  They looked at the x-ray, went through my bag and didn’t see the DVD’s!  The Lord blinded their eyes.  I was able to approach this well-known leader: I began telling her how much God loved her, that He wanted her to know Him.”  Her response, “I want to know more”.   Still in shock, Salma approached the door to the banquet hall and found 450 other women, many associated with these leaders.  “Lord they deserve to hear the gospel too, but giving out a Christian firm here is illegal.  What shall I do?

As she walked near a door in the banquet room, one of the guards spoke up-, “Can I assist you with anything?”  Salma said she needed help with some boxes in her car (boxes of DVD’s).  The guard not only obliged, but called other guards over to help. She opened the trunk and they carried all the DVD’s into the hall.  The guards actually helped by personally giving out the DVD’s of “Magdalena.  Only God could have done this – because of His grace and glory.

God is at work.  Throughout the Middle East people are abandoning their beliefs, giving up on everything they thought was true.  And now, when nothing else is working to stop radicals, giving them the Gospel is the answer. 

This is but one wonderful story of multitudes who, due to hunger in the heart for love and compassion, have turned to Jesus as Lord of their lives.  It was recently stated that if China remains on the same track for another 20 plus years that it is on today, it will be a Christian Nation.  It is also reported that the number of young people in Iran who are seeking relationship with Yeshua has reached the point where-due to restrictions and fear of government persecution- the number is only estimated, but estimated in the millions.

As I read this letter and the many other articles that come across my computer about the rapid growth the sons of Ismael coming to Christ, it saddens my heart that God has not yet chosen to speak to the affluent, hard hearts in our nation, in dreams and visions.  I believe with all my heart the Lord is preparing to come and collect His children and close the door to salvation.  I pray we will see a mighty wind begin the blow across our nation and fires kindled in the hearts every soul in our nation.  I pray that every seed that has been planted into the recesses of the hearts will suddenly come to life and begin to grow.   

Make sure you are praying for the Franklin Graham Decision American meeting that he is taking to every capital in America.  If you ae unaware of dates and places you can go to Decision America for the finer points. 



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