Sunday, August 30, 2015

This letter from Marvin Rosenthal, president of Zion Hope Ministries is in it’s entirety and with permission from them.  Be sure to read the last two paragraphs!!

Dear Friend,

In this letter I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the virgin-born, crucified, resurrected, ascended, enthroned-at-His-Father’s–right-hand, coming-again King; all-powerful, all-knowing Creator of the universe; and Sovereign Lord over all things, whose existence is without beginning and without ends.

I opened this letter to you the way I did to give balance to the insane, wicked, evil, satanic world in which we live.  Things have gotten so bad and so out of control that sometimes we may wonder if anyone can rally straighten things out and bring order out of chaos, righteousness out of wickedness, and beauty out of corruption.  Tragically, our beloved country has in recent years progressively joined the parade of wicked nations.  To suggest, as some do, that we still are not as bad as other nations, gives artificial comfort.  America threw prayer out of public schools, killed an estimated 60 million unborn children, has increasingly legalized drugs, approved same-sex marriage and tossed Israel – on of our closest allies and chosen vessel of God – under the bus.  America was blessed beyond any other nation in history except Israel because it was, from its earliest days, largely influenced by the Judeo-Christian culture, but we have not-so-subtly flung our heritage to the wind.

     Our White House is evil and corrupt.
     Our Congress is weak and corrupt.

     The Supreme Court should chisel away the engraving above the main entrance which houses it; the engraving which reads “Equal Justice Under Law” should be replaced with “Personal Politics Rule the Day”.

Perhaps the White House has a few people left who serve with moral integrity, but they wield little influence.
In Congress, we still have some members who serve with honor and integrity, but there are not enough members to override a presidential veto.

In the Supreme Court here are a few who vote for that which is lawful, however, they cannot overcome those who cast their votes based on their political ideology and care little of the Constitution; the law plays second fiddle to such members of the Court.

These words deeply hurt me.  I love my country.  The truth above is not stated as political words, hateful words, but of spiritual words.  Lying, cheating, and perverting are biblical and spiritual concepts.

In the atmosphere in which we in America now find ourselves, it is easy to despair.  However, that would be a fatal mistake, playing right into Satan’s hands.  We have reasons to be sad, but we have no basis upon which to despair.  That is why I wrote the first paragraph of this letter.  It is our Savior and Captain who will soon grasp absolute, glorious and stunning victory out of the hands of Satan, Antichrist, false prophets, demons, and all who oppose our God who sits on the throne of heaven and rules over the earth.  However, before that occurs, I believe our country will be taken to the woodshed because of its sinfulness and betrayal of Israel.  It may begin shortly with the nosedive of our economy.  That may be the catalyst of shortages and lawlessness.  What should those who were made righteous in Christ do when such things develop?

                Frist. We should not panic.

                Second, we should settle it now that our real strength will come from trust in the Lord.

                Third, we should be prudent.  Don’t acquire unnecessary debt, make our home a military fortress and storehouse of food.  Modest preparation is wise.  Excess is inappropriate.  We must choose to trust I the Lord and not in ourselves.

                Fourth, with renewed – or for some, first time – courage, we should actually become part of the Great 
Commission to share our faith with a lost and dying world as time is running out.  We must not hide our faith in Christ under a bushel.

Fifth, obey the divine command to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  It is one of only two commands in the Bible which extend a promise to those who do so.  The promise with regard to praying for Israel is, “They shall prosper that love thee” (Psalm 122:6).  The second command is “Honor thy father and they mother.” The promise is, “That thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee” (Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:2).

In Israel in ancient days there were three sources of water. The first source was water which came from a well.  That is why Abraham and his descendants who lived by the desert were said in God’s Word to have digged “wells” (Genesis 21:29; 36:18).  The second source of water came from cisterns.  “Cisterns” were deep and wide holes chiseled into the hard rock and then sealed with a substance to keep the once-or-twice a year rainwater (directed by channels into the cistern) from running out.  The third source of water was in God’s Word called living water.  The term “living water” was a reference to bodies of water that moved.  The problem with wells was they often ran dry.  With cisterns, the water did not leak out but the problem was that after time it spoiled and was undrinkable.  Living water refers to sources of water like the large springs at Ein Gedi near the Dead Seas; and the three tributaries at the foot of Mount Hermon which form the Jordan River an never run dry.

The final of the seven feasts which God gave to Israel is the Feast of Tabernacles.  The Feast of Tabernacles  occurs in the early fall of the year and is all about water.  Normally, there is no rain in Israel for about five months, beginning in April and lasting into mid-September.  If God did not provide rain beginning in early fall, there would be famine in the spring.

Each year on the last today of the Feast of Tabernacles the High Priest, with pitcher in hand – priests behind him, and thousands of worshippers behind them – would lead a processional starting at the Temple on Mount Moriah.  He would make his way to the Gihon Sprints to fill the pitcher with water and make his way back to the Temple through the Water Gate.  Once there, the High Priest would pour out the water, and then lead the nation in prayer for the early rains.  It was on one of those awesome and spec tabular occasions, with tens of thousands of worshippers on the Temple Mount, that Jesus stood up in a conspicuous place and with a loud voice cried out the multitudes.  This is what He cried: “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink…out of his (innermost being) shall flow rives of living water” (John 7:37-38).

In the coming difficult days – and they surely are coming – the one thing every believer should commit to do with their whole being is point to Jesus and cry out, “If anyone thirst, come to faith in Christ, for He alone is the source of living water which will never run dry and will eternally satisfy.”

Yours warmly, enthusiastically, and hopefully in our Lord’s soon coming and certain triumph.
Marvin Rosenthal, President of Zion’s Hope Ministry of Winter Garden, Florida. 

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